Yesterday, grandma Sanka called and told me about all of our friends and family who can no longer read this blog because of the porn website redirect. It straight up, triggered a hot flash which I often get from stress or embarrassment. I'm so frustrated with the internet and I feel so unknowing because this problem is more difficult to remedy than I had hoped. I am confident that I lost the rights to www.youngladyoldcancer.com for the year because my credit card information changed when my Visa was stolen in Mexico and now I have to redirect the blog to a new domain (a new www.) It will happen but it will take a few more days. I miss you guys too and I'm sad about both my stupidity and the difficulty involved with internet log-ons and such.

On the upside, totally got a win this week when a great friend from school recognized me. That never happens anymore. My favorite teachers don't, my friends from high school typically don't, and I can slip undetected into all of the malls that I've been banned from. That last one was a test because I would never jeopardize my access to shopping malls. You may have realized that I spend a copious amount of time in shopping malls. Sharve, one of my college roommates, says that my cheekbones and jaw look different now that I'm skinnier but I still feel that I look the same. I guess that some people are just good at facial recognition. They should use that skill to create a lucrative career in spy work.
Wish me luck,
You’re back!
Lovely to have the blog back Cail. We have all missed your witty and enlightening posts. People might not recognize you because you look even better than before! You are amazing! xoxox
Hello Miss Cailey,
I must say, I’m embarrassed, I was feeling sorry for myself with my recent job loss, boo-hooing; how trifle of me. However, I remembered your blog and here I am visiting it.
I have to tell you, you’ve given me a cyber kick in the butt, so to speak. Your posts have provided a positive perspective to what’s real and worthwhile, you’ve made me laugh and you’ve inspired me!
So to you sweet Cailey I send a big THANK YOU!
Keep up the blogs; love the humor, love the recipes.
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