Oh honey... no she didn't just ask a bald, dragged-her-ass to this party, metastatic patient what her prognosis is. Did she? Even though I am a wrestling coach, I decided not to pin her to the sticky bar floor, because she was out of her league and I knew it even though she didn't. So down the rabbit hole we went. I hoped she was ready for this wild ride; her confidence in asking such a question was apparent, but not warranted. I gave her as little information as I thought she could handle while intoxicated and wearing a see-through shirt. Here's how our little chat went:

Cailey: (thinking pause) Well, I'll probably be on chemo forever.
STHR: (Bambi eyed) Like forever?
Cailey: Yup
STHR: (confused and starting to feel the delayed horror) and.....?
Cailey: and I'll most likely always have cancer.
STHR: (scared silence...)
Cailey: Let's get you guys another round of shots. The Godfather shot looks pretty good, huh?
I can only come away from this situation knowing that I learned a bit of a lesson, and I can hope that she learned one as well. The lesson I learned was that we don't need to embarrass those foolish enough to pretend they're as tough as people who have been through IT (whatever IT is, because anything that is really difficult could be IT.) If they are actually kind people then they'll find themselves embarrassed all on their own; there isn't a need to force the embarrassment.
She made the mistake of trying to sound smart when she really didn't know what she was talking about. I forgave her because I've made that mistake too and I'm still sheepish about my misunderstanding of the term "mile high club." It's not a very cool club to belong to unless you enjoy venereal growths and cramped spaces.
Well handled...no need to cause intentional discomfort to anyone. These lessons are better learned this way...and we all have lessons to learn.
Wise beyond your years. Miss See-Through Shirt has a way to go in the sensitivity/maturity department it seems. You navigated that with finesse and grace.
Hot tee-shirt, by the way!!!
Cail..that's written as well as she was handled... great post!! You are a very smart and respectful person who really made the point without the embarrassment. You are a great teacher in and out of the classroom ! Love you tons.
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