p.s. I got the best e-mail recently from a blog reader/cancie wife and it was like eating the perfect meal. She said that sometimes you just want to read about people living with cancer instead of "wish on a star" cure stories. I completely agree with her.
p.p.s. In case you ever look at pictures of people and think that your life isn't as good as theirs (Facebook, you awful website) know that it's not true. The pictures may look beachy but that glow you see? It's from a series of consecutive vomits which I performed in the wee hours of the morning and bless the Kill family because none of them even awoke!
Ooooh! I love the colour and the summery look of the wig!!!!
I love it! It looks really great! I love the length and the shimmery glow; very glamorous!
Just beautiful hair Cail, great color and length. You look amazing with or without it on! Love that it is low maintenance and air dries. xoxoxo
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