
February 8, 2013

The Birthday Train

Yesterday was my 27th birthday and it was sensational. I asked my oncologist, Dr. Marc Webster, "when is your birthday?" He replied that "I don't celebrate birthdays anymore" and I said "well, I'll always have birthdays" because for me they are sweet reminders that I'm alive. When I'm having my 50th birthday it will be so wonderful because I made it. So that's the joy of serious life threatening events: it's gratefulness.

The best moment (of so many) yesterday was when we were walking to the second waiting room with Nancy, Dr. Websters amazing nurse, and 2 other patients. Nancy started singing Happy birthday to me and then the other patients started singing right before, the patients sitting along the way joined in and it was a harmony of voices. It was like a flash mob of singing and it made me believe in the niceness of human beings.

When is your birthday? Do you like celebrating or do you dislike it?


Lisa said...

Happy birthday Cailey!! I'm not going to say "belated birthday" because it's not. Everyone knows it's birthday WEEK, not birthday DAY. HOw silly to only be one day of the year. In fact, I just noticed this morning that I have my daughter's half birthday in my phone calendar next week on the 13th. Surprised me (old failing memory, impaired by non virtuous multi-tasking!) but now I will surprise her next week. My birthday's December 5th and I always do the week, and help others along with that if they slip. So stay on the Birthday Train Cailey. It's not your stop yet :-) Big hug! Lisa

Jo said...

Happy Birthday Cailey! I love that you got "flash-mobbed". Hope to see you soon. Hugs from all of the Workums.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Week! What a great way to kick off the celebrations!