Recently, many of my female friends have been thinking that they want to have a baby, have recently had one or are just about to give birth. This makes them wonder if I wish for a baby or what Kill and I may be able to do about having children.

The truth is that I would love to be a mother, in any capacity that I get to have. I believe that it is unwise to, knowingly, create life that you can't stay to raise but that doesn't stop me from wishing. I know that I have to be alive to make a decision to have a child with Kill and that I don't want to leave him alone. I've had a girlfriend offer her eggs and another offer to surrogate for us and I've talked about adoption with my friends too. Our friends are very, very generous :). Those are the kind of offers that touch your soul.
I just don't have any answers, right now, but Kill says that he'd rather have me than lose my life because we've taken a risk. Who knows what life holds but maybe if I get to be exceptional then being a mum could be a reality for me? I'll keep it on my secret wishlist.
p.s. Look at Lance, he had children after both chemotherapy and surgery (his most recent pregnancies were all natural). People do it and it could be us!
Babies are sleeping, pooping, screaming machines. By definition they are a very large parasite; albeit a cute parasite. That being said... you'd be a pretty good mum.
You are exceptional! And any kids that benefit from your "mothering" will be so lucky.
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