At that same moment my cancer friend Karen showed up and I told her the story. The husband said that his wife is lucky and I whispered to Karen that she and I are lucky too. Maybe we'll go dormant!

I also read this strange ethics document for my plastic surgery that allows her to perform on a stage IV. It was written by a clinical ethicist which must be like a lawyer combined with a doctor. Here are some quotes from it:
- "Ms. R hopes that mastectomy will result in some increase in survival, as well as elimination of the constant reminder of her illness when hugging people." (I only mentioned that hugging business once but they really ran with it. I think because it gave the ethics people a self worth argument.)
- "There is an apparent conflict between respecting Ms. R's autonomous wishes to seek the surgery and the physician's duty not to harm the patient."
- Favorite part: "She is well-educated, young and in a relationship". She is a teacher and a wrestling coach. She lives with her fiance and they plan to marry in August 2013." That information is wildly important, right? Especially how smart I am :).
- "None of the options are clearly more beneficial to Ms. R's personhood." So weird because many options are better for my personhood, especially the procedure that can give a patient slightly more time on earth.. well, if you don't die on the operating table but I don't plan on doing that.
- "If her goal is body image, mastectomy extended by reconstructive surgery is an ethically defensible option. If her goal is anything else, maintenance of her current health status, other options will benefit her more." So wait and see or do something a little risky with a potential pay out? I'm not a gambler but when it comes to my life, I'd rather try for success than do nothing because I'm the person that hovers above 0 on the curve. That person who statistically should be dead but isn't.
Happy Monday!
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
Emily Dickinson
Beautiful and relatable poem JoJo. I love it.
JoJo, you have quoted the most perfect poem! How lovely. Wonderful and hopeful post Cail! xoxox
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