I'm safe from the super nausea drug and I feel fantastic. It's so great to feel better, isn't it? I started a new type of chemo (in pill form) which seems decent and I keep my adorable hair. Woo hoo!

Kill and I are off to the interior of British Columbia for several weeks so posts will be infrequent; however I'll be listening to one of my favorite songs:
People who think they can by the Waifs on our travels. If you have any suggestions then please tell me and I'll add them to my yoga burrito/road trip playlist.
Merry July :)
Enjoy BC!
I always love to listen to Joni Mitchel's "Night Ride Home". The crickets in the background make me think of those country evenings at dusk that are so peaceful and lovely. It's particularly nice to listen to while driving along the stretch between the hot springs and "home".
Greetings from Barcelona
Have a great time on the road!
We went on a roadtrip to Montana on the weekend and listened to classic Elvis, turned up LOUD (the key to music we sing along to):)
How about our old belt it out favorite "Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty! Anything you sing out loud is great therapy.
Hugs to all in BC! So glad you are not feeling sick and are in such a great place to heal. xoxo
Oh, nice. Have a fab time, my friend! When you get back, my parents have your shoes. Lol. We will go for food, and only then will I release them. Until then, they are my hostages. Muahahaha.
OMG Cail, it is SO not like you to loose your shoes!!!! It's like the Quebec trip all over again.... (Maybe they also found your retainer?) xoxox
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