On the upswing, while I was sick last week, I felt very cold at the back of my neck which is one of 2 important Qi (pronounced chi) spots that Dr. Kelloway has advised me to keep warm. The first spot is the back of your neck and the second is at the base of your spine or slightly above it in the curve of your back. Keeping these two areas warm can help you from catching colds in Traditional Chinese Medicine. So I wore an attractive sleping turtleneck all last week and it was sexxxy. Here is the sleep turtleneck in action; Liz Lemon would be so proud. Also, if you imagine that it improves from the neck down then you are mistaken, as the 2.99$ quality of it causes a trapeze effect on my torso. Please feel free to upload photos of your ugliest sleepwear for my amusement :).
That is, hands down, the SEXIEST turtleneck ever sported. Also, I miss you. Also, big hugs. Also...sushi. That is all.
ha ha, I love a friend that supports a sleep turtleneck. I miss you too and I hope tat new mommyhood is treating you well. Sushi in your hood? I liked the Airdrie sushi experience :).
For sure. New sushi place is open, and I must say it's pretty rocking. Although we must be aware of our sushi habits and not spend so much this time! LOL I'm off around Xmas. Text me. Xo
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