
December 26, 2012

Surgery is a Go!

Last week, I got my CT results (I get CAT scans every 3 months) and I always feel super nervous beforehand. I imagine that I have cancer in my pelvis, brain and lungs and then I get stressed out.

Luckily, none of those places in my body have cancer. This oral chemo that I'm on seems to be managing the tumors I do have pretty nicely. I have 2 breast tumors in the left breast, 3 micro-tumors in the liver (0.4 cm, 0.3 cm and 0.8 cm) and tumors in my spine. All in all it's pretty good.

Because the Xeloda (chemo) isn't keeping the breast tumors in check, my medical team wants to go ahead with the mastectomy a lot now. Woo hoo!! Finally, everyone wants what I want, merry Christmas to me.

I've got my headphones, pajamas, slippers and people standing by on take-out food duty for surgery on Jan 25th. Kill and I are also seeing a great healer in Sedona before surgery; every little bit helps, I think. My auntie R3 and Uncle G as well as my reiki family have guided me the healer's way. Wish me luck although, we don't need do we:)?


Anonymous said...

Sending well wishes straight to you both!
May 2013 bring all good things!

Cail Jordan said...

Thanks Mx! Happy 2013 to you too :)

Kayla W said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you! I will bring you sushi!

Jen said...

That's such exciting news! I'm so happy for you.