My friend Espot is a mom of two boys and at various times she's been on maternity leave. I noticed that she would call a lot, check facebook and generally seek out more human contact. Finally, I understand her pain because I've hit that spot.
Today, I learned from the net about: Mormon engagements and sealing ceremonies, singer Lana Del Ray, successful American Idol auditions, weird urban dictionary sex act -
Papa Smurf*, late night television hosts, passport renewals, teaching certificates and the words in a BC marriage ceremony that you must say to be wed. It's safe to say that there is no commonality between those things and that I sound insane. I also cried after the eye doctor because
they made a mistake although, why I felt bad about that is lost on me.

Rory pointed out, cleverly, that I'm still in menopause and that menopause seems to be tricky. I always forget about that and I just think that I'm so irrational. Thank God that I didn't cry in front of any strangers; such action being below my standard of acceptable behavior.
Are food cravings part of menopause though? Because today I wanted to get a Spolumbo's sausage so badly that imagined myself going there in vivid detail. The only thing that stopped me was the thought of Kill, who gamely took on veganism with me and should be invited to attended my vegan demise.
p.s. Watch for Kill's special stir-fry this Thursday! He makes it for us on Saturday mornings and I love it.
*Papa Smurfing is stupid and involves blue paint.
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