This Thanksgiving, Kill and I went to three consecutive dinners which isn't that strange for us being from a blended family :). I like being able to make pie because people think that's it's impressive and I learned how to make pie from grandma Sanka. We'd practice every summer and I think that it's ideal to learn from the best, which I did.
All in all Kill and I made 6 pies: vegan pumpkin with pecan and chocolate (x2), saskatoon berry, apple blackberry, peach raspberry and finally, blueberry. My favourite was the peach pie and here's the recipe for both vegan pie crust and peach pie filling!
Vegan pie crust (makes 2 crusts - one for the top and another for the bottom)
- 1 stick of foil wrapped vegan margarine (Earth Balance)
- 1 stick of foil wrapped vegan shortening (Earth Balance)
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 6 tbsp cold water
Take the margarine out of the fridge and use a knife to cut it into jolly rancher sized pieces into a bowl, add the flour and mix it with your hands but take off your rings because this stuff sticks. Once it's a bit crumbly, add in the cold water and mix it until it forms a big clump. Separate it into two even balls and wrap them in wax paper then, put it in the fridge for 10-30 minutes. Take out your crust and put one ball down onto floured, wax paper or a waxed pie crust sheet. Put some flour on top of the ball and place another sheet of wax paper on top then start to roll dough into a circle. After 3 rolls, flip the crust while inside of the paper and peel of the top, adding more flour so that it doesn't stick. Keep doing the flip and roll until it's bigger than the bottom of your pie plate.
If it looks all wonky when you're done (left) then just slide it into your pie plate and fill the holes with bits of pastry (right). Kill is especially good at this step!
Vegan peach pie filling (makes 1)
- 3 peaches (peeled and cut in random pieces)
- 1/2 cup apricot jam (any orange type would do)
- 1 tbsp dark honey
- 4 tbsp arrowroot powder (also called kuzu)
- 1/4 cup warm water
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 1 cup rasberries
It's hard to eat dessert after Thanksgiving dinner, which meant so much leftover pie for me!
The unanimous favorite from our household was the Peach-Raspberry!
Best pie ever, and the last piece was devoured last night by Kitty's dad, who does not usually eat dessert. Great how-to directions Cail, others can learn this wonderful skill too. Have a great day. xo
You look just like Laura Petry (Dick Van Dykes wife on the 60s. Tv show)She was super cute and perky
I hate to miss a family dinner and now even more so.
Sissy bingo and sticky date pudding are just not the same as laughs around the family table and a good pie!
See you next week
Aunties, you were sorely missed and that compliment was lovely because I just looked Laura up and she is stunning. Thank you muchly!
UK you were missed too!
Kitty's dad almost never eats sweets so that was also a huge compliment :)
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