I'm back to my version of work this year, which includes working out, eating veggie stir-fry and salad, blogging and going to some stressful medical appointments (I swear that the last CT scan that I had, the nurses may have used paint thinner as the contrast fluid, or at least that's what it smelled like). All in all my life is very good and I'm very pleased. I affectionately refer to myself as a "stay at home" and I'm surprised to find that I love it. I always thought that if I was lucky enough to have children, then I'd dislike the staying at home parts of their rearing. Turns out that Kill will have to arm wrestle me for his half of mat/pat leave if we get to be parents one day :).

Halifax is stunning and I reconnected with Elle on this trip. It's so unique, the relationship between siblings, because you introduce each other to bullying but you also offer unconditional love throughout the largest span of each others lives (ideally, of course). Mum, Kitty's dad (my step father) and the French Farmer also got along well and conquered the hurdle that is traveling en masse. I'm so glad that they let me come along with them.

Get used to to checking the blog again as this fall it will creep back toward awesomeness. I'm feeling hopeful about cancer and about healing. I'll leave you with one of my favorite phone calls from this summer, it was from a pharmacist at the cancer hospital and she chastised me for "being very difficult to get a hold of this summer". I couldn't think of a better compliment to get seeing as I was a
gallivanting, ocean wading and golf course walking broken back, cancer patient. She didn't even know how much I liked being off the grid. What a great summer!
En famille and loving it! How delicious!
I particularly liked the photo in the vinyard: a classic!
UK, I never received your sweet gift but I enjoyed it none the less. I also love your frequent comments :)
I am so glad you are back writing the blog Cail, I have really missed it! I am glad you and Kill had an awesome summer together. You two really got around and were never home. I am so glad we got to do the Maritimes together, I loved bonding with all of you and had so much fun. PS you didn't just "come along" you were a very vital part of the trip! Would not have been the same without you!
Speaking of an awesome summer...Hi UK! When are you back in Canada?
Love Mom
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